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Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrothemis nigrescens female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrothemis nigrescens male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Brachydiplax denticauda male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Brachydiplax denticauda female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Brachydiplax denticauda male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrothemis nigrescens male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrothemis nigrescens female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Agrionoptera longitudinalis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Lathrecista asiatica male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannodiplax rubra male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis tillyardi male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Archaeosynthemis orientalis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Synthemis eustalacta female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Parasynthemis regina male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna inermis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna hardyi male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes melanopsis male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Neurothemis oligoneura male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannodiplax rubra male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemiphlebia mirabilis male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Anax guttatus female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia risi female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia risi male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum boumiera female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Tonyosynthemis ofarrelli male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Choristhemis flavoterminata male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Choristhemis flavoterminata female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Tonyosynthemis ofarrelli male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Tonyosynthemis claviculata female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum migratum male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum boumiera female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis tillyardi female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum migratum female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Neurothemis stigmatizans female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Neurothemis stigmatizans male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Neurothemis stigmatizans female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Notolibellula bicolor male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum migratum female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum migratum male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum caledonicum female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes trivialis male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes trivialis female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes melanopsis female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia risi female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis tillyardi male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis deniseae female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes trivialis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophya australis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Notolibellula bicolor male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes trivialis male Specimen Image John Tann