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Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroargiolestes chrysoides male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Griseargiolestes fontanus male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemicordulia koomina male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Aethriamanta nymphaeae female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eurysticta kununurra male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus magela male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Odontogomphus donnellyi female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Archaeophya magnifica female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus dentosus female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus edentulus female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus atratus male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus cooloola female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna speciosa male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna eungella female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nososticta liveringa female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Indolestes obiri male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Petalura hesperia male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Zephyrogomphus longipositor female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Acanthaeschna victoria female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroargiolestes alpinus female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Pseudocordulia circularis female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Lithosticta macra male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Petalura hesperia male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Petalura hesperia female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroargiolestes elke female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Archiargiolestes parvulus female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus neophytus male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Archiargiolestes parvulus male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrogomphus gordoni female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Zephyrogomphus lateralis female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus hodgkini male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus hodgkini female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus dentosus male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus magela female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus atratus male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Antipodogomphus edentulus female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroargiolestes alpinus male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna eungella female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrophlebia subcostalis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Pseudocordulia circularis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Neosticta silvarum male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Archiargiolestes parvulus female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrogomphus gordoni female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrogomphus angelorum male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Armagomphus armiger male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Odontogomphus donnellyi female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Spinaeschna watsoni male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemigomphus cooloola male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna christine male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Griseargiolestes fontanus male Wing Image John Tann