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Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis barbarae male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrogomphus mouldsorum female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Agriocnemis kunjina female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrogomphus mouldsorum female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophya paulsoni male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis ursula male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Metaphya tillyardi male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Metaphya tillyardi male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis barbarae male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Spinaeschna tripunctata male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna unicornis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Orthetrum caledonicum female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia mudginberri female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia mudginberri male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Notoaeschna sagittata female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrophlebia costalis male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrophlebia costalis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Dromaeschna weiskei female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna unicornis female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Notoaeschna geminata male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia eludens male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia injibandi male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia mudginberri male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Agriocnemis kunjina female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hemiphlebia mirabilis male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Spinaeschna tripunctata male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna unicornis male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austrophlebia costalis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia tillyardi female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia tillyardi male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Dendroaeschna conspersa male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes bipunctata female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Crocothemis nigrifrons male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes melanopsis female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hydrobasileus brevistylus female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Nannophlebia injibandi female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Eusynthemis barbarae female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna atrata female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna speciosa female Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Notoaeschna sagittata male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Austroaeschna tasmanica male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia tryoni male Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia godeffroyi female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia brevicauda male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Telephlebia brevicauda female Specimen Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Diplacodes nebulosa male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Hydrobasileus brevistylus male Wing Image John Tann
Wing images of Australian dragonflies - Huonia melvillensis male Wing Image John Tann