Data resource Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group
Image Identifier 36011487-456a-4e0f-8b61-b377510401c0
Occurrence ID(s)
Creator jeans_Photos
Description These Crassula are small, erect, reddish-leaved, succulent, native plants that grow on saturated sandy-clay. Each plant is single stemmed to only 10 mm high by 10 mm wide. The leaves are crystalline, soft and spongy to <5 mm long. The colourful red-pink terminal flowers are cupped shaped to about 3-4 mm across. These are four merous and occasionally five merous with red carpels. Each plant has a bundle of finely descending fibrous roots.The seed is ellipsoid, < 0.05 mm long, tan in colour with fine longitudinal markings. During August these have grown as single stemmed to around 10-20 mm high (occasionally to 30 mm high) sometimes with 2-3 terminal spreading branches totaling c. 20 mm wide each having up to c. 7 flowers crowded with leaves on the end of each branch. Photo: Fred
Linear scale <not calibrated>
Date uploaded 24 Nov, 2017 08:12:18
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 24 Nov, 2017 08:12:18
Rights holder
Data resource UID dr360
Dimensions (w x h) 500 x 329
File size 115.8 KB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash e30449d018220114a12c111296155176
SHA1 Hash 46b57da2d0508c85d2da9fe4f876855d78c121a3
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 538.8 KB