Data resource NatureShare
Image Identifier 4ab83a2b-6478-44ad-a83f-53fcafe46b4a
Occurrence ID(s)
Title Nemophora spp.
Creator Vuk Vojis
Description Nemophora panaeola fam. Adelidae. There is not record in Data Base, I saw hundreds of them enjoying sun. , N. panaeola seems to be Queensland only although the yellow mark near the base of the wing does suggest panaeola. If panaeola this would be the first record on the ALA out of Queensland. It would be good to see another photo., I let him to go away, but i make couple of photos of labial palp and proboscis, may be can help. I never studied Adelidae., I have had P. Marriott have a look at this and it is probably not N. panaeola. He suggests that it be named Nemophora sp. and I concur, however it is a beautiful image of a wonderful little moth., Thanks Cathy
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Date uploaded 13 May, 2017 02:02:50
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 13 May, 2017 02:02:50
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Data resource UID dr635
Dimensions (w x h) 1232 x 1176
File size 666.9 KB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash 2b9f7fddf64ce7829d326ce360aa4128
SHA1 Hash b5ca8360135a8ed5552528eb52d8f9b0bd58827b
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 1.2 MB