Data resource NatureShare
Image Identifier 553730f1-0352-484d-aa21-4afde0ec70c4
Occurrence ID(s)
Title Paropsis pictipennis
Creator Suzanne Jones
Description Nice find. Do you have any of its host plants growing in your garden? , We have quite a number of Leptospermum plants, of many different species, but think that those that have any L. polygalifolium in them are still small plants, probably less than a year old and we have found that L. polygalifolium 'Cardwell' is severely affected by the frost here. Those young plants are not looking good at the moment. We also have young plants of L. 'Tickled Pink', L. 'Pink Cascade' and L. 'Outrageous, all of which are hybrids with L. polygalifolium as one of the parents. We do have one very large nine year old Leptospermum 'Copper Glow' growing in the front garden. I always thought that it was L. petersonii, but I just looked up Wrigley & Fagg book and it says it is L. polygalifolium. I just don't know. This particular beetle was not found on a bush. It flew onto Graeme's hand and he called me to get the camera. After several photos, it decided it had had enough and took off!
Linear scale <not calibrated>
Date uploaded 28 Aug, 2015 16:06:59
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 28 Aug, 2015 16:06:59
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Data resource UID dr635
Dimensions (w x h) 2371 x 1587
File size 1.4 MB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash ce26536d421d0bb62b60c9d25d369d26
SHA1 Hash 81fca39b2f931dae9258a43103584ba1f958bf42
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 2.6 MB