Data resource NatureShare
Image Identifier 7061770e-7d32-44a3-a655-ce9bb8ed0315
Occurrence ID(s)
Title Microtis unifolia
Creator David Francis
Description Note the frilly margin of the labellum which is square and notched at the apex.(Distinguishes it from Microtis parviflora which has a non-frilly labellum that tapers to a point without the notch - triangular-shaped.) Update: Close-up photos showing labellum detail added. Note the variation in the shape/notching of the labellum. Some flowers only have minute notching on a square-ended labellum. Others have two rounded lobes with one shallow notch between them **but there is no gap or "decurved point" between the lobes**. That makes it M. unifolia, I think, even though a proportion of the flowers have a bilobed labellum. Looking at photos elsewhere, it seems that the id feature "labellum pendulous - not pressed against ovary" can be seen in both arenaria and unifolia., Great comment David, I will check mine out in future, This specimen is approaching M. arenaria and worth considering. Labellum well-notched and pendulous., I believe M. arenaria is often overlooked and I have found it to be the dominant species in many areas.
Linear scale <not calibrated>
Date uploaded 16 Nov, 2016 04:15:01
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 16 Nov, 2016 04:15:01
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Data resource UID dr635
Dimensions (w x h) 1024 x 1365
File size 315.4 KB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash eef6da92988a7fba78832fe30f874c4b
SHA1 Hash 63a2b133f7ae80b1016807657bb8bfdcb7b21a34
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 763.4 KB