Data resource iNaturalist Australia
Image Identifier abe9a577-a6eb-4cca-a6fb-8121a7d3b0f6
Occurrence ID(s)
Creator John Brew
Description The biological significance of Magnetic Termite mounds The ???Magnetic Termite??? Amitermes meridionalis occurs only in a small part of the Northern Territory of Australia and builds famous wedge-shaped mounds with an elongated axis that is orientated in a striking north-south direction. This shape is unique among all other termite mounds which are always more or less spherical and many hypotheses have been advanced to explain the remarkable shape and orientation. Most of these investigations focus on the orientation, but the biological significance of the shape is rarely explored. The currently accepted hypothesis considers shape and orientation as adaptation to maintain a thermo stable eastern face. In contrast to this we consider habitat conditions, such as heavy rainfalls and regularly flooding in the wet season, as most important for the evolution of this shape. Family: Termitidae Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory, Australia i09_0501 032
Linear scale <not calibrated>
Date uploaded 23 Sep, 2015 13:32:56
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 23 Sep, 2015 13:32:56
Rights Copyright John Brew, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License license:
Rights holder John Brew
Data resource UID dr1411
Dimensions (w x h) 2448 x 3264
File size 6.2 MB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash d7d91127ace417c12c494a210de2442c
SHA1 Hash 4b242e3d4fba1dcd1d2fee2191350982b2f2d391
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 9.6 MB