Data resource NatureShare
Image Identifier b8eab8f2-4b21-4dfd-b659-37ff393b7e1d
Occurrence ID(s)
Title Comocrus behri
Creator Andrew Allen
Description 6 photos included. I've been going back to the same place for about a month now specifically to see how some caterpillars that I first saw as hatchlings would develop. Today at the exact same place as previous observations I found three Comocrus behri. But I also found about 10 caterpillars that looked exactly the same as the last time I saw them. Either they haven't moulted yet, or they aren't Comocrus behri and finding these three in the exact same spot is a miraculous coincidence. I will return for another look soon... Edit: It turns out that it was an amazing conincidence, as the caterpillars I had been following were Delias aganippe., Stunning photos!
Linear scale <not calibrated>
Date uploaded 12 Apr, 2017 00:32:11
Uploaded by <Unknown>
Date taken/created 12 Apr, 2017 00:32:11
Rights holder
Data resource UID dr635
Dimensions (w x h) 4314 x 2876
File size 508.8 KB
Mime type image/jpeg
Image URL
MD5 Hash 2c6ee24b7a9326709210d5849245abf0
SHA1 Hash f48f771a8fa419e2f099e52208f6684f8190b6ef
Size on disk (including all artifacts) 2 MB